MySQL 8.4 Reference Manual  /  Telemetry  /  Installing OpenTelemetry Support

35.1 Installing Open遥测 Support

This section describes the installation of the server and client OpenTelemetry support.

To install the server component, run the following command:

install component 'file://component_telemetry';

To confirm the component is present in your server, run the following query:

mysql> select * from mysql.component;
| component_id | component_group_id | component_urn                      |
|            1 |                  1 | file://component_validate_password |
|            2 |                  2 | file://component_telemetry         |

If component_telemetry is present in the component_urn column, the component is installed.

The component installation also adds telemetry-specific system variables.

mysql> show variables like "%telemetry%";
| Variable_name                                            | Value                            |
| telemetry.metrics_enabled                                | ON                               |
| telemetry.metrics_reader_frequency_1                     | 10                               |
| telemetry.metrics_reader_frequency_2                     | 60                               |
| telemetry.metrics_reader_frequency_3                     | 0                                |
| telemetry.otel_bsp_max_export_batch_size                 | 512                              |
| telemetry.otel_bsp_max_queue_size                        | 2048                             |
| telemetry.otel_bsp_schedule_delay                        | 5000                             |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_certificates        |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_cipher              |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_cipher_suite        |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_client_certificates |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_client_key          |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_compression         | none                             |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_endpoint            | http://localhost:4318/v1/metrics |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_headers             |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_max_tls             |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_min_tls             |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_protocol            | http/protobuf                    |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_metrics_timeout             | 10000                            |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_certificates         |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_cipher               |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_cipher_suite         |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_client_certificates  |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_client_key           |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_compression          | none                             |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_endpoint             | http://localhost:4318/v1/traces  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_headers              |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_max_tls              |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_min_tls              |                                  |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_protocol             | http/protobuf                    |
| telemetry.otel_exporter_otlp_traces_timeout              | 10000                            |
| telemetry.otel_log_level                                 | info                             |
| telemetry.otel_resource_attributes                       |                                  |
| telemetry.query_text_enabled                             | ON                               |
| telemetry.trace_enabled                                  | ON                               |

See Server Configuration.

The Telemetry plugin for the MySQL client can be enabled with a command line switch, --telemetry_client or from a configuration option, telemetry-client=ON |OFF, defined in the [mysql] section of the configuration file.