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MySQL 8.4 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  The ps_thread_trx_info() Function The ps_thread_trx_info() Function

返回一个包含给定线程信息的 JSON 对象。该信息包括当前事务,以及该事务已经执行的语句,来自性能_schema 中的events_transactions_currentevents_statements_history表。 (要获取完整的 JSON 对象,必须启用这些表的消费者。)

如果输出超过截断长度(默认为 65535),将返回一个 JSON 错误对象,例如:

{ "error": "Trx info truncated: Row 6 was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()" }


  • in_thread_id BIGINT UNSIGNED: 指定返回事务信息的线程 ID。该值应该与性能_schema 中threads表的一行中的THREAD_ID列匹配。

ps_thread_trx_info()操作可以使用以下配置选项或对应的用户定义变量(见Section, “The sys_config Table”):

  • ps_thread_trx_info.max_length, @sys.ps_thread_trx_info.max_length

    输出的最大长度。默认为 65535。


mysql> SELECT sys.ps_thread_trx_info(48)\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
sys.ps_thread_trx_info(48): [
    "time": "790.70 us",
    "state": "COMMITTED",
    "mode": "READ WRITE",
    "autocommitted": "NO",
    "gtid": "AUTOMATIC",
    "isolation": "REPEATABLE READ",
    "statements_executed": [
        "sql_text": "INSERT INTO info VALUES (1, \'foo\')",
        "time": "471.02 us",
        "schema": "trx",
        "rows_examined": 0,
        "rows_affected": 1,
        "rows_sent": 0,
        "tmp_tables": 0,
        "tmp_disk_tables": 0,
        "sort_rows": 0,
        "sort_merge_passes": 0
        "sql_text": "COMMIT",
        "time": "254.42 us",
        "schema": "trx",
        "rows_examined": 0,
        "rows_affected": 0,
        "rows_sent": 0,
        "tmp_tables": 0,
        "tmp_disk_tables": 0,
        "sort_rows": 0,
        "sort_merge_passes": 0
    "time": "426.20 us",
    "state": "COMMITTED",
    "mode": "READ WRITE",
    "autocommitted": "NO",
    "gtid": "AUTOMATIC",
    "isolation": "REPEATABLE READ",
    "statements_executed": [
        "sql_text": "INSERT INTO info VALUES (2, \'bar\')",
        "time": "107.33 us",
        "schema": "trx",
        "rows_examined": 0,
        "rows_affected": 1,
        "rows_sent": 0,
        "tmp_tables": 0,
        "tmp_disk_tables": 0,
        "sort_rows": 0,
        "sort_merge_passes": 0
        "sql_text": "COMMIT",
        "time": "213.23 us",
        "schema": "trx",
        "rows_examined": 0,
        "rows_affected": 0,
        "rows_sent": 0,
        "tmp_tables": 0,
        "tmp_disk_tables": 0,
        "sort_rows": 0,
        "sort_merge_passes": 0