您可以使用 find()
方法来查询和返回集合中的文档。 MySQL Shell 提供了 additional 方法来与 find()
MySQL 提供了以下运算符来指定搜索条件:OR
), AND
), XOR
, IS
, IN
, !=
, <>
, >
, >=
, <
, <=
, &
, |
, <<
, >>
, +
, -
, *
, /
, ~
, 和 %
要返回集合中的所有文档,请使用 find()
方法,不指定搜索条件。例如,以下操作将返回 countryinfo
mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find()
"GNP": 828,
"Code:": "ABW",
"Name": "Aruba",
"IndepYear": null,
"geography": {
"Continent": "North America",
"Region": "Caribbean",
"SurfaceArea": 193
"government": {
"GovernmentForm": "Nonmetropolitan Territory of The Netherlands",
"HeadOfState": "Beatrix"
"demographics": {
"LifeExpectancy": 78.4000015258789,
"Population": 103000
240 documents in set (0.00 sec)
Empty set (0.00 sec)
您可以在 find()
方法中包含搜索条件。表达式的语法与传统 MySQL 第 14 章 函数和操作符相同。您必须将所有表达式括在引号中。出于简洁起见,一些示例不显示输出。
简单的搜索条件可能包括 Name
mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find("Name = 'Australia'")
"GNP": 351182,
"Code:": "AUS",
"Name": "Australia",
"IndepYear": 1901,
"geography": {
"Continent": "Oceania",
"Region": "Australia and New Zealand",
"SurfaceArea": 7741220
"government": {
"GovernmentForm": "Constitutional Monarchy, Federation",
"HeadOfState": "Elisabeth II"
"demographics": {
"LifeExpectancy": 79.80000305175781,
"Population": 18886000
以下示例搜索所有 GNP 高于 500 亿美元的国家。countryinfo
集合以百万为单位测量 GNP。
mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find("GNP > 500000")
...[output removed]
10 documents in set (0.00 sec)
人口字段在以下查询中嵌入在 demographics 对象中。要访问嵌入的字段,请使用点号来标识关系。文档和字段名称区分大小写。
mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find("GNP > 500000 and demographics.Population < 100000000")
...[output removed]
6 documents in set (0.00 sec)
算术运算符在以下表达式中用于查询 GNP 人均高于 30000 的国家。搜索条件可以包括算术运算符和大多数 MySQL 函数。
mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find("GNP*1000000/demographics.Population > 30000")
...[output removed]
9 documents in set, 7 warnings (0.00 sec)
Warning (Code 1365): Division by 0
Warning (Code 1365): Division by 0
Warning (Code 1365): Division by 0
Warning (Code 1365): Division by 0
Warning (Code 1365): Division by 0
Warning (Code 1365): Division by 0
Warning (Code 1365): Division by 0
您可以使用 bind()
方法将值与搜索条件分离。例如,instead of specifying a hard-coded country name as the condition, substitute a named placeholder consisting of a colon followed by a name that begins with a letter, such as country。然后使用 bind(
, value
mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find("Name = :country").bind("country", "Italy")
"GNP": 1161755,
"_id": "00005de917d8000000000000006a",
"Code": "ITA",
"Name": "Italy",
"Airports": [],
"IndepYear": 1861,
"geography": {
"Region": "Southern Europe",
"Continent": "Europe",
"SurfaceArea": 301316
"government": {
"HeadOfState": "Carlo Azeglio Ciampi",
"GovernmentForm": "Republic"
"demographics": {
"Population": 57680000,
"LifeExpectancy": 79
1 document in set (0.01 sec)
在程序中,binding 可以让您在表达式中指定占位符,然后在执行前填充值,并可以从自动转义中受益。
始终使用 binding 来 sanitize 输入。避免使用字符串连接来引入值,以免产生无效的输入并在某些情况下引发安全问题。
您可以使用占位符和 bind()
方法创建 saved 搜索,然后使用不同的值调用它们。例如,要创建一个国家的 saved 搜索:
mysql-js> var myFind = db.countryinfo.find("Name = :country")
mysql-js> myFind.bind('country', 'France')
"GNP": 1424285,
"_id": "00005de917d80000000000000048",
"Code": "FRA",
"Name": "France",
"IndepYear": 843,
"geography": {
"Region": "Western Europe",
"Continent": "Europe",
"SurfaceArea": 551500
"government": {
"HeadOfState": "Jacques Chirac",
"GovernmentForm": "Republic"
"demographics": {
"Population": 59225700,
"LifeExpectancy": 78.80000305175781
1 document in set (0.0028 sec)
mysql-js> myFind.bind('country', 'Germany')
"GNP": 2133367,
"_id": "00005de917d80000000000000038",
"Code": "DEU",
"Name": "Germany",
"IndepYear": 1955,
"geography": {
"Region": "Western Europe",
"Continent": "Europe",
"SurfaceArea": 357022
"government": {
"HeadOfState": "Johannes Rau",
"GovernmentForm": "Federal Republic"
"demographics": {
"Population": 82164700,
"LifeExpectancy": 77.4000015258789
1 document in set (0.0026 sec)
您可以返回文档的特定字段,而不是返回所有字段。以下示例返回 countryinfo
集合中匹配搜索条件的文档的 GNP 和 Name 字段。
使用 fields()
mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find("GNP > 5000000").fields(["GNP", "Name"])
"GNP": 8510700,
"Name": "United States"
1 document in set (0.00 sec)
mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find().fields(
mysqlx.expr('{"Name": upper(Name), "GNPPerCapita": GNP*1000000/demographics.Population}')).limit(2)
"Name": "ARUBA",
"GNPPerCapita": 8038.834951456311
"GNPPerCapita": 263.0281690140845
您可以将 limit()
和 skip()
方法应用于管理 find()
要指定结果集中的文档数量,请将 limit()
方法附加到 find()
方法,并传递一个值。以下查询返回 countryinfo
mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find().limit(5)
... [output removed]
5 documents in set (0.00 sec)
要指定结果的顺序,请将 sort()
方法附加到 find()
方法。将一个或多个字段的列表传递给 sort()
方法,并可选地指定降序 (desc
) 或升序 (asc
) 属性。升序是默认的顺序类型。
例如,以下查询按 IndepYear 字段对所有文档进行排序,然后以降序返回前八个文档。
mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find().sort(["IndepYear desc"]).limit(8)
... [output removed]
8 documents in set (0.00 sec)
方法从集合中的第一个文档开始。您可以使用 skip()
方法更改起始文档。例如,要忽略第一个文档并返回下八个匹配条件的文档,请将 1 传递给 skip()
mysql-js> db.countryinfo.find().sort(["IndepYear desc"]).limit(8).skip(1)
... [output removed]
8 documents in set (0.00 sec)
MySQL 参考手册提供了函数和操作符的详细文档。
请参阅 CollectionFindFunction 以获取完整的语法定义。