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Excerpts from this Manual

MySQL 8.3 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  NDB Cluster Replication: Automating Synchronization of the Replica to the Source Binary Log NDB 集群复制:自动同步副本到源二进制日志

可以自动执行前一节中描述的过程的大部分(见 第 25.7.9 节,“NDB 集群备份与 NDB 集群复制”)。以下 Perl 脚本 serves 作为如何执行此操作的示例。

#!/user/bin/perl -w

#  file:

#  Copyright (c) 2005, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.

#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.

#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to:
#  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
#  59 Temple Place, Suite 330
#  Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#  Version 1.1

######################## Includes ###############################

use DBI;

######################## Globals ################################

my  $m_host='';
my  $m_port='';
my  $m_user='';
my  $m_pass='';
my  $s_host='';
my  $s_port='';
my  $s_user='';
my  $s_pass='';
my  $dbhM='';
my  $dbhS='';

####################### Sub Prototypes ##########################

sub CollectCommandPromptInfo;
sub ConnectToDatabases;
sub DisconnectFromDatabases;
sub GetReplicaEpoch;
sub GetSourceInfo;
sub UpdateReplica;

######################## Program Main ###########################


################## Collect Command Prompt Info ##################

sub CollectCommandPromptInfo
  ### Check that user has supplied correct number of command line args
  die "Usage:\n
       reset-replica >source MySQL host< >source MySQL port< \n
                   >source user< >source pass< >replica MySQL host< \n
                   >replica MySQL port< >replica user< >replica pass< \n
       All 8 arguments must be passed. Use BLANK for NULL passwords\n"
       unless @ARGV == 8;

  $m_host  =  $ARGV[0];
  $m_port  =  $ARGV[1];
  $m_user  =  $ARGV[2];
  $m_pass  =  $ARGV[3];
  $s_host  =  $ARGV[4];
  $s_port  =  $ARGV[5];
  $s_user  =  $ARGV[6];
  $s_pass  =  $ARGV[7];

  if ($m_pass eq "BLANK") { $m_pass = '';}
  if ($s_pass eq "BLANK") { $s_pass = '';}

###############  Make connections to both databases #############

sub ConnectToDatabases
  ### Connect to both source and replica cluster databases

  ### Connect to source
    = DBI->connect(
    "$m_user", "$m_pass")
      or die "Can't connect to source cluster MySQL process!
              Error: $DBI::errstr\n";

  ### Connect to replica
    = DBI->connect(
          "$s_user", "$s_pass")
    or die "Can't connect to replica cluster MySQL process!
            Error: $DBI::errstr\n";

################  Disconnect from both databases ################

sub DisconnectFromDatabases
  ### Disconnect from source

  or warn " Disconnection failed: $DBI::errstr\n";

  ### Disconnect from replica

  or warn " Disconnection failed: $DBI::errstr\n";

######################  Find the last good GCI ##################

sub GetReplicaEpoch
  $sth = $dbhS->prepare("SELECT MAX(epoch)
                         FROM mysql.ndb_apply_status;")
      or die "Error while preparing to select epoch from replica: ",

      or die "Selecting epoch from replica error: ", $sth->errstr;

  $sth->bind_col (1, \$epoch);
  print "\tReplica epoch =  $epoch\n";

#######  Find the position of the last GCI in the binary log ########

sub GetSourceInfo
  $sth = $dbhM->prepare("SELECT
                           SUBSTRING_INDEX(File, '/', -1), Position
                         FROM mysql.ndb_binlog_index
                         WHERE epoch > $epoch
                         ORDER BY epoch ASC LIMIT 1;")
      or die "Prepare to select from source error: ", $dbhM->errstr;

      or die "Selecting from source error: ", $sth->errstr;

  $sth->bind_col (1, \$binlog);
  $sth->bind_col (2, \$binpos);
  print "\tSource binary log file =  $binlog\n";
  print "\tSource binary log position =  $binpos\n";

##########  Set the replica to process from that location #########

sub UpdateReplica
  $sth = $dbhS->prepare("CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO
      or die "Prepare to CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE error: ", $dbhS->errstr;

       or die "CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE on replica error: ", $sth->errstr;
  print "\tReplica has been updated. You may now start the replica.\n";

# end