Package | Description |
org.orekit.bodies |
This package provides interface to represent the position and geometry of
space objects such as stars, planets or asteroids.
| |
This package provide base classes for exploring the configured data
directory tree and read external data that can be used by the library.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.definitions |
This package contains definitions for CCSDS objects (frames, time systems...).
org.orekit.files.general |
This package provides interfaces for orbit file representations and corresponding
org.orekit.files.ilrs |
This package provides parsers for laser ranging data stored in CDR and CPF formats.
org.orekit.files.rinex.clock |
This package provides classes related to navigation clock files.
org.orekit.files.sinex |
This package provides classes related to station data.
org.orekit.forces.drag |
This package provides all drag-related forces.
org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential |
This package provides classes to read gravity field files and supports several
different formats.
org.orekit.forces.radiation |
This package provides all radiation pressure related forces.
org.orekit.frames |
This package provides classes to handle frames and transforms between them.
org.orekit.gnss |
This package provides classes related to GNSS applications.
org.orekit.gnss.antenna |
This package provides classes related to receiver and satellites antenna modeling.
| |
This package provides the atmosphere model interface and several implementations.
| |
This package provides classes to get atmospheric data,
including solar flux and planetary geomagnetic indices.
| |
This package provides models that simulate the impact of the ionosphere.
| |
This package provides models that simulate the impact of the troposphere.
| |
This package provides models that simulate global weather conditions on Earth.
| |
This package provides classes related to navigation data containing in
GNSS almanacs and navigation messages.
org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle |
This package provides classes to read and extrapolate tle's.
org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle.generation |
This package provides classes related to TLE generation.
org.orekit.propagation.numerical.cr3bp |
Top level package for CR3BP Models used with a numerical propagator.
org.orekit.time |
This independent package provides classes to handle epochs, time scales,
and to compare instants together.
org.orekit.utils |
This package provides useful objects.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CR3BPSystem |
CR3BPFactory.getSunEarthCR3BP(AbsoluteDate date,
TimeScale timeScale)
Get the Sun-Earth CR3BP singleton bodies pair.
static CR3BPSystem |
CR3BPFactory.getSunJupiterCR3BP(AbsoluteDate date,
TimeScale timeScale)
Get the Sun-Jupiter CR3BP singleton bodies pair.
Constructor and Description |
FundamentalNutationArguments(IERSConventions conventions,
TimeScale timeScale,
InputStream stream,
String name)
Build a model of fundamental arguments from an IERS table file.
FundamentalNutationArguments(IERSConventions conventions,
TimeScale timeScale,
InputStream stream,
String name,
TimeScales timeScales)
Build a model of fundamental arguments from an IERS table file.
FundamentalNutationArguments(IERSConventions conventions,
TimeScale timeScale,
List<double[]> coefficients)
Build a model of fundamental arguments from an IERS table file.
FundamentalNutationArguments(IERSConventions conventions,
TimeScale timeScale,
List<double[]> coefficients,
TimeScales timeScales)
Build a model of fundamental arguments from an IERS table file.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TimeScale |
Get the base time scale.
Constructor and Description |
TimeConverter(TimeScale timeScale,
AbsoluteDate referenceDate)
Build a time system.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
OrekitEphemerisFile.OrekitEphemerisSegment |
OrekitEphemerisFile.OrekitSatelliteEphemeris.addNewSegment(List<SpacecraftState> states,
CelestialBody body,
int interpolationSampleSize,
TimeScale timeScale)
Injects pre-computed satellite states into this ephemeris file
object, returning the generated
OrekitEphemerisFile.OrekitEphemerisSegment that
has been stored internally. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TimeScale |
Get the time scale used in CPF file.
TimeScale |
Get the time scale used to read the file.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CPF.setTimeScale(TimeScale timeScale)
Set the time scale.
abstract void |
StreamingCpfWriter.HeaderLineWriter.write(CPFHeader cpfHeader,
Appendable cpfWriter,
TimeScale timescale)
Write a line.
Constructor and Description |
CPFParser(double mu,
int interpolationSamples,
IERSConventions iersConventions,
TimeScale utc,
Frames frames)
CPFWriter(CPFHeader header,
TimeScale timescale)
CPFWriter(CPFHeader header,
TimeScale timescale,
boolean velocityFlag)
CRDParser(TimeScale utc)
StreamingCpfWriter(Appendable writer,
TimeScale timeScale,
CPFHeader header)
Create a CPF writer than streams data to the given output stream.
StreamingCpfWriter(Appendable writer,
TimeScale timeScale,
CPFHeader header,
boolean velocityFlag)
Create a CPF writer than streams data to the given output stream.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TimeScale |
Getter for the data time scale.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbsoluteDate |
RinexClock.ClockDataLine.getEpoch(TimeScale epochTimeScale)
Get data line epoch.
void |
RinexClock.setTimeScale(TimeScale timeScale)
Setter for the data time scale.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
EOPEntry |
SinexEopEntry.toEopEntry(IERSConventions.NutationCorrectionConverter converter,
ITRFVersion version,
TimeScale scale)
Converts to an
EOPEntry . |
Constructor and Description |
TimeSpanDragForce(Atmosphere atmosphere,
DragSensitive spacecraft,
TimeScale timeScale)
Constructor and Description |
GRGSFormatReader(String supportedNames,
boolean missingCoefficientsAllowed,
TimeScale timeScale)
Simple constructor.
ICGEMFormatReader(String supportedNames,
boolean missingCoefficientsAllowed,
TimeScale timeScale)
Simple constructor.
LazyLoadedGravityFields(DataProvidersManager dataProvidersManager,
TimeScale timeScale)
Create a factory for gravity fields that uses the given data manager to load the
gravity field files.
PotentialCoefficientsReader(String supportedNames,
boolean missingCoefficientsAllowed,
TimeScale timeScale)
Simple constructor.
SHMFormatReader(String supportedNames,
boolean missingCoefficientsAllowed,
TimeScale timeScale)
Simple constructor.
Constructor and Description |
KnockeRediffusedForceModel(ExtendedPVCoordinatesProvider sun,
RadiationSensitive spacecraft,
double equatorialRadius,
double angularResolution,
TimeScale utc)
General constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected TimeScale |
Get the UTC time scale.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Frame |
HelmertTransformation.Predefined.createTransformedITRF(Frame parent,
String name,
TimeScale tt)
Create an ITRF frame by transforming another ITRF frame.
static ITRFVersion.Converter |
ITRFVersion.getConverter(ITRFVersion origin,
ITRFVersion destination,
TimeScale tt)
Find a converter between specified ITRF frames.
HelmertTransformation |
HelmertTransformation.Predefined.getTransformation(TimeScale tt)
Get the underlying
HelmertTransformation . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LazyLoadedEop.addDefaultEOP1980HistoryLoaders(String rapidDataColumnsSupportedNames,
String xmlSupportedNames,
String eopC04SupportedNames,
String bulletinBSupportedNames,
String bulletinASupportedNames,
String csvSupportedNames,
Supplier<TimeScale> utcSupplier)
Add the default loaders EOP history (IAU 1980 precession/nutation).
void |
LazyLoadedEop.addDefaultEOP2000HistoryLoaders(String rapidDataColumnsSupportedNames,
String xmlSupportedNames,
String eopC04SupportedNames,
String bulletinBSupportedNames,
String bulletinASupportedNames,
String csvSupportedNames,
Supplier<TimeScale> utcSupplier)
Add the default loaders for EOP history (IAU 2000/2006 precession/nutation).
Constructor and Description |
AbstractEopLoader(String supportedNames,
DataProvidersManager manager,
Supplier<TimeScale> utcSupplier)
Simple constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TimeScale |
TimeSystem.getTimeScale(TimeScales timeScales)
Get the time scale corresponding to time system.
abstract TimeScale |
ObservationTimeScale.getTimeScale(TimeScales timeScales)
Get time scale.
Constructor and Description |
AntexLoader(DataSource source,
TimeScale gps)
Construct a loader by specifying the source of ANTEX auxiliary data files.
AntexLoader(String supportedNames,
DataProvidersManager dataProvidersManager,
TimeScale gps)
Construct a loader by specifying a
DataProvidersManager . |
Constructor and Description |
DTM2000(DTM2000InputParameters parameters,
PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
BodyShape earth,
TimeScale utc)
Simple constructor for independent computation.
JB2008(JB2008InputParameters parameters,
PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
BodyShape earth,
TimeScale utc)
Constructor with space environment information for internal computation.
NRLMSISE00(NRLMSISE00InputParameters parameters,
PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
BodyShape earth,
TimeScale ut)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TimeScale |
Get the UTC timescale.
TimeScale |
Get the UTC timescale.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractSolarActivityData(DataSource source,
D loader,
TimeScale utc,
int maxSlots,
double maxSpan,
double maxInterval,
double minimumStep)
Simple constructor.
AbstractSolarActivityData(String supportedNames,
D loader,
DataProvidersManager dataProvidersManager,
TimeScale utc,
int maxSlots,
double maxSpan,
double maxInterval,
double minimumStep) |
AbstractSolarActivityDataLoader(TimeScale utc)
CssiSpaceWeatherData(DataSource source,
CssiSpaceWeatherDataLoader loader,
TimeScale utc)
Simple constructor.
CssiSpaceWeatherData(DataSource source,
CssiSpaceWeatherDataLoader loader,
TimeScale utc,
int maxSlots,
double maxSpan,
double maxInterval)
Simple constructor with customizable thread safe cache configuration.
CssiSpaceWeatherData(DataSource source,
TimeScale utc)
Simple constructor.
CssiSpaceWeatherData(String supportedNames,
CssiSpaceWeatherDataLoader loader,
DataProvidersManager dataProvidersManager,
TimeScale utc)
Constructor that allows specifying the source of the CSSI space weather file.
CssiSpaceWeatherData(String supportedNames,
CssiSpaceWeatherDataLoader loader,
DataProvidersManager dataProvidersManager,
TimeScale utc,
int maxSlots,
double maxSpan,
double maxInterval)
Constructor that allows specifying the source of the CSSI space weather file and customizable thread safe cache
CssiSpaceWeatherData(String supportedNames,
DataProvidersManager dataProvidersManager,
TimeScale utc)
Constructor that allows specifying the source of the CSSI space weather file.
CssiSpaceWeatherDataLoader(TimeScale utc)
DtcDataLoader(TimeScale utc)
JB2008SpaceEnvironmentData(DataSource sourceSolfsmy,
DataSource sourceDtc,
TimeScale utc)
Constructor that allows specifying the source of the SOLFSMY space weather
JB2008SpaceEnvironmentData(String supportedNamesSOL,
String supportedNamesDTC,
DataProvidersManager dataProvidersManager,
TimeScale utc)
Constructor that allows specifying the source of the SOLFSMY space weather
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation(DataSource source,
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.StrengthLevel strengthLevel,
TimeScale utc)
Simple constructor.
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation(DataSource source,
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.StrengthLevel strengthLevel,
TimeScale utc,
int maxSlots,
double maxSpan,
double maxInterval,
double minimumStep)
Constructor with customizable thread safe cache configuration.
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation(String supportedNames,
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.StrengthLevel strengthLevel,
DataProvidersManager dataProvidersManager,
TimeScale utc)
Constructor that allows specifying the source of the MSAFE auxiliary data files.
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation(String supportedNames,
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.StrengthLevel strengthLevel,
DataProvidersManager dataProvidersManager,
TimeScale utc,
int maxSlots,
double maxSpan,
double maxInterval,
double minimumStep)
Constructor that allows specifying the source of the MSAFE auxiliary data files and customizable thread safe cache
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimationLoader(MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.StrengthLevel strengthLevel,
TimeScale utc)
Constructor that allows specifying the source of the MSAFE auxiliary data files.
SOLFSMYDataLoader(TimeScale utc)
Constructor and Description |
GlobalIonosphereMapModel(String supportedNames,
DataProvidersManager dataProvidersManager,
TimeScale utc)
Constructor that uses user defined supported names and data context.
GlobalIonosphereMapModel(TimeScale utc,
DataSource... ionex)
Constructor that uses user defined data sources.
KlobucharIonoModel(double[] alpha,
double[] beta,
TimeScale gps)
Create a new Klobuchar ionospheric delay model, when a single frequency system is
NeQuickModel(double[] alpha,
TimeScale utc)
Build a new instance.
Constructor and Description |
GlobalMappingFunctionModel(TimeScale utc)
Build a new instance.
NiellMappingFunctionModel(TimeScale utc)
Builds a new instance.
TimeSpanEstimatedTroposphericModel(EstimatedTroposphericModel model,
TimeScale timeScale)
Constructor with default UTC time scale.
ViennaOneModel(double[] coefficientA,
double[] zenithDelay,
TimeScale utc)
Build a new instance.
ViennaThreeModel(double[] coefficientA,
double[] zenithDelay,
TimeScale utc)
Build a new instance.
Constructor and Description |
GlobalPressureTemperature2Model(String supportedNames,
double latitude,
double longitude,
Geoid geoid,
DataProvidersManager dataProvidersManager,
TimeScale utc)
Constructor with supported names and source of GPT2 auxiliary data given by user.
Constructor and Description |
GLONASSAlmanac(int channel,
int health,
int day,
int month,
int year,
double ta,
double lambda,
double deltaI,
double pa,
double ecc,
double deltaT,
double deltaTDot,
double tGlo2UTC,
double tGPS2Glo,
double tGlo,
TimeScale glonass)
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected TimeScale |
UTC time scale.
protected TimeScale |
UTC time scale.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TimeScale |
Get the UTC time scale used to create this TLE.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TleGenerationAlgorithm |
TLEPropagator.getDefaultTleGenerationAlgorithm(TimeScale utc,
Frame teme)
Get the default TLE generation algorithm.
Constructor and Description |
FieldTLE(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
String line1,
String line2,
TimeScale utc)
Simple constructor from unparsed two lines using the given time scale as UTC.
FieldTLE(int satelliteNumber,
char classification,
int launchYear,
int launchNumber,
String launchPiece,
int ephemerisType,
int elementNumber,
FieldAbsoluteDate<T> epoch,
T meanMotion,
T meanMotionFirstDerivative,
T meanMotionSecondDerivative,
T e,
T i,
T pa,
T raan,
T meanAnomaly,
int revolutionNumberAtEpoch,
double bStar,
TimeScale utc)
Simple constructor from already parsed elements using the given time scale as
TLE(int satelliteNumber,
char classification,
int launchYear,
int launchNumber,
String launchPiece,
int ephemerisType,
int elementNumber,
AbsoluteDate epoch,
double meanMotion,
double meanMotionFirstDerivative,
double meanMotionSecondDerivative,
double e,
double i,
double pa,
double raan,
double meanAnomaly,
int revolutionNumberAtEpoch,
double bStar,
TimeScale utc)
Simple constructor from already parsed elements using the given time scale as
TLE(String line1,
String line2,
TimeScale utc)
Simple constructor from unparsed two lines using the given time scale as UTC.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
TleGenerationUtil.newTLE(FieldKeplerianOrbit<T> keplerianOrbit,
FieldTLE<T> templateTLE,
T bStar,
TimeScale utc)
Builds a new TLE from Keplerian parameters and a template for TLE data.
static TLE |
TleGenerationUtil.newTLE(KeplerianOrbit keplerianOrbit,
TLE templateTLE,
double bStar,
TimeScale utc)
Builds a new TLE from Keplerian parameters and a template for TLE data.
Constructor and Description |
FixedPointTleGenerationAlgorithm(double epsilon,
int maxIterations,
double scale,
TimeScale utc,
Frame teme)
LeastSquaresTleGenerationAlgorithm(int maxIterations,
TimeScale utc,
Frame teme)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static double |
CR3BPConstants.getEarthMoonBarycenterSemiMajorAxis(AbsoluteDate date,
TimeScale timeScale)
Get the Earth-Moon barycenter semi-major axis.
static double |
CR3BPConstants.getJupiterSemiMajorAxis(AbsoluteDate date,
TimeScale timeScale)
Get the Jupiter semi-major axis.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Beidou system time scale.
class |
Galileo system time scale.
class |
GLONASS time scale.
class |
Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time.
class |
GPS time scale.
class |
IRNSS time scale (also called IRNWT for IRNSS NetWork Time).
class |
QZSS time scale.
class |
Scale for on-board clock.
class |
International Atomic Time.
class |
Barycentric Coordinate Time.
class |
Geocentric Coordinate Time.
class |
Barycentric Dynamic Time.
class |
Terrestrial Time as defined by IAU(1991) recommendation IV.
class |
Universal Time 1.
class |
Coordinated Universal Time.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldAbsoluteDate.createGPSDate(int weekNumber,
T milliInWeek,
TimeScale gps)
Build an instance corresponding to a GPS date.
static AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate.createJDDate(int jd,
double secondsSinceNoon,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance corresponding to a Julian Day date.
static <T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldAbsoluteDate.createJDDate(int jd,
T secondsSinceNoon,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance corresponding to a Julian Day date.
static AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate.createMJDDate(int mjd,
double secondsInDay,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance corresponding to a Modified Julian Day date.
static <T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldAbsoluteDate.createMJDDate(int mjd,
T secondsInDay,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance corresponding to a Modified Julian Day date.
DateTimeComponents |
FieldAbsoluteDate.getComponents(int minutesFromUTC,
TimeScale utc)
Split the instance into date/time components for a local time.
DateTimeComponents |
AbsoluteDate.getComponents(int minutesFromUTC,
TimeScale utc)
Split the instance into date/time components for a local time.
DateTimeComponents |
FieldAbsoluteDate.getComponents(TimeScale timeScale)
Split the instance into date/time components.
DateTimeComponents |
AbsoluteDate.getComponents(TimeScale timeScale)
Split the instance into date/time components.
DateTimeComponents |
FieldAbsoluteDate.getComponents(TimeZone timeZone,
TimeScale utc)
Split the instance into date/time components for a time zone.
DateTimeComponents |
AbsoluteDate.getComponents(TimeZone timeZone,
TimeScale utc)
Split the instance into date/time components for a time zone.
double |
AbsoluteDate.offsetFrom(AbsoluteDate instant,
TimeScale timeScale)
Compute the apparent clock offset between two instant in the
perspective of a specific
time scale . |
T |
FieldAbsoluteDate.offsetFrom(FieldAbsoluteDate<T> instant,
TimeScale timeScale)
Compute the apparent clock offset between two instant in the
perspective of a specific
time scale . |
FieldAbsoluteDate<T> |
FieldAbsoluteDate.parseCCSDSCalendarSegmentedTimeCode(byte preambleField,
byte[] timeField,
TimeScale utc)
Build an instance from a CCSDS Calendar Segmented Time Code (CCS).
static AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate.parseCCSDSCalendarSegmentedTimeCode(byte preambleField,
byte[] timeField,
TimeScale utc)
Build an instance from a CCSDS Calendar Segmented Time Code (CCS).
static AbsoluteDate |
AbsoluteDate.parseCCSDSDaySegmentedTimeCode(byte preambleField,
byte[] timeField,
DateComponents agencyDefinedEpoch,
TimeScale utc)
Build an instance from a CCSDS Day Segmented Time Code (CDS).
static <T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldAbsoluteDate.parseCCSDSDaySegmentedTimeCode(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
byte preambleField,
byte[] timeField,
DateComponents agencyDefinedEpoch,
TimeScale utc)
Build an instance from a CCSDS Day Segmented Time Code (CDS).
T |
FieldAbsoluteDate.timeScalesOffset(TimeScale scale1,
TimeScale scale2)
Compute the offset between two time scales at the current instant.
double |
AbsoluteDate.timeScalesOffset(TimeScale scale1,
TimeScale scale2)
Compute the offset between two time scales at the current instant.
Date |
FieldAbsoluteDate.toDate(TimeScale timeScale)
Convert the instance to a Java
Date . |
Date |
AbsoluteDate.toDate(TimeScale timeScale)
Convert the instance to a Java
Date . |
String |
FieldAbsoluteDate.toString(int minutesFromUTC,
TimeScale utc)
Get a String representation of the instant location for a local time.
String |
AbsoluteDate.toString(int minutesFromUTC,
TimeScale utc)
Get a String representation of the instant location for a local time.
String |
FieldAbsoluteDate.toString(TimeScale timeScale)
Get a String representation of the instant location in ISO-8601 format without the
UTC offset and with up to 16 digits of precision for the seconds value.
String |
AbsoluteDate.toString(TimeScale timeScale)
Get a String representation of the instant location in ISO-8601 format without the
UTC offset and with up to 16 digits of precision for the seconds value.
String |
FieldAbsoluteDate.toString(TimeZone timeZone,
TimeScale utc)
Get a String representation of the instant location for a time zone.
String |
AbsoluteDate.toString(TimeZone timeZone,
TimeScale utc)
Get a String representation of the instant location for a time zone.
String |
AbsoluteDate.toStringRfc3339(TimeScale utc)
Represent the given date as a string according to the format in RFC 3339.
String |
AbsoluteDate.toStringWithoutUtcOffset(TimeScale timeScale,
int fractionDigits)
Return a string representation of this date-time, rounded to the given precision.
Constructor and Description |
AbsoluteDate(AbsoluteDate reference,
double apparentOffset,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from an apparent clock offset with respect to another
instant in the perspective of a specific
time scale . |
AbsoluteDate(DateComponents date,
TimeComponents time,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
AbsoluteDate(DateComponents date,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
AbsoluteDate(DateTimeComponents location,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
AbsoluteDate(Date location,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
AbsoluteDate(Instant instant,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from an
instant in a time scale . |
AbsoluteDate(int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour,
int minute,
double second,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
AbsoluteDate(int year,
int month,
int day,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
AbsoluteDate(int year,
Month month,
int day,
int hour,
int minute,
double second,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
AbsoluteDate(int year,
Month month,
int day,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
AbsoluteDate(String location,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location (parsed from a string) in a
time scale . |
BurstSelector(int maxBurstSize,
double highRateStep,
double burstPeriod,
TimeScale alignmentTimeScale)
Simple constructor.
FieldAbsoluteDate(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
DateComponents date,
TimeComponents time,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
FieldAbsoluteDate(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
DateComponents date,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
FieldAbsoluteDate(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
DateTimeComponents location,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
FieldAbsoluteDate(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
Date location,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
FieldAbsoluteDate(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
Instant instant,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from an
instant in a time scale . |
FieldAbsoluteDate(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour,
int minute,
double second,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
FieldAbsoluteDate(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
int year,
int month,
int day,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
FieldAbsoluteDate(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
int year,
Month month,
int day,
int hour,
int minute,
double second,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
FieldAbsoluteDate(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
int year,
Month month,
int day,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location in a
time scale . |
FieldAbsoluteDate(org.hipparchus.Field<T> field,
String location,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from a location (parsed from a string) in a
time scale . |
FieldAbsoluteDate(FieldAbsoluteDate<T> reference,
double apparentOffset,
TimeScale timeScale)
Build an instance from an apparent clock offset with respect to another
instant in the perspective of a specific
time scale . |
FixedStepSelector(double step,
TimeScale alignmentTimeScale)
Simple constructor.
GLONASSDate(AbsoluteDate date,
TimeScale glonass)
Build an instance from an absolute date.
GLONASSDate(int na,
int n4,
double secInNa,
TimeScale glonass)
Build an instance corresponding to a GLONASS date.
SatelliteClockScale(String name,
AbsoluteDate epoch,
TimeScale epochScale,
double countAtEpoch,
double drift)
Create a linear model for satellite clock.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TimeScalarFunction |
IERSConventions.getEarthOrientationAngleFunction(TimeScale ut1)
Get the function computing the raw Earth Orientation Angle.
TimeScalarFunction |
IERSConventions.getEarthOrientationAngleFunction(TimeScale ut1,
TimeScale tai)
Get the function computing the raw Earth Orientation Angle.
TimeScalarFunction |
IERSConventions.getGASTFunction(TimeScale ut1,
EOPHistory eopHistory)
Get the function computing Greenwich apparent sidereal time, in radians.
abstract TimeScalarFunction |
IERSConventions.getGASTFunction(TimeScale ut1,
EOPHistory eopHistory,
TimeScales timeScales)
Get the function computing Greenwich apparent sidereal time, in radians.
TimeScalarFunction |
IERSConventions.getGMSTFunction(TimeScale ut1)
Get the function computing Greenwich mean sidereal time, in radians.
abstract TimeScalarFunction |
IERSConventions.getGMSTFunction(TimeScale ut1,
TimeScales timeScales)
Get the function computing Greenwich mean sidereal time, in radians.
TimeScalarFunction |
IERSConventions.getGMSTRateFunction(TimeScale ut1)
Get the function computing Greenwich mean sidereal time rate, in radians per second.
abstract TimeScalarFunction |
IERSConventions.getGMSTRateFunction(TimeScale ut1,
TimeScales timeScales)
Get the function computing Greenwich mean sidereal time rate, in radians per
FundamentalNutationArguments |
IERSConventions.getNutationArguments(TimeScale timeScale)
Get the fundamental nutation arguments.
abstract FundamentalNutationArguments |
IERSConventions.getNutationArguments(TimeScale timeScale,
TimeScales timeScales)
Get the fundamental nutation arguments.
TimeVectorFunction |
IERSConventions.getTideFrequencyDependenceFunction(TimeScale ut1)
Get the function computing frequency dependent terms (ΔC₂₀, ΔC₂₁, ΔS₂₁, ΔC₂₂, ΔS₂₂).
abstract TimeVectorFunction |
IERSConventions.getTideFrequencyDependenceFunction(TimeScale ut1,
TimeScales timeScales)
Get the function computing frequency dependent terms (ΔC₂₀, ΔC₂₁, ΔS₂₁, ΔC₂₂,
String |
TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates.toString(TimeScale utc)
Return a string representation of this date, position, velocity, and acceleration.
String |
TimeStampedPVCoordinates.toString(TimeScale utc)
Return a string representation of this date, position, velocity, and acceleration.
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